Music 254/CS 275b Spring 2015 Syllabus

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Music 254/CS 275b "Music Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation"
Stanford University (Spring 2015).

This is an old syllabus. See The most recent version .

This music information retrieval course builds on the foundation of Music 253/CS 275A. Using an open-source analysis platform (such as the Humdrum Toolkit (unix), Humdrum Extras (C++), or Music21 (Python), or your preferred programming language/environment) students plan and design their own applications.

The first four weeks cover basic areas of music analysis and retrieval and introduce basic principles of using the Humdrum Toolkit. Students may be assigned individual reading assignments pertinent to their research topic areas. The remaining six weeks are spent on individual project development, with weekly reports and discussions. Extensive help is available in the lab during hours allotted to class time. Students give verbal and written reports on their research at the end of the quarter. Some projects may be appropriate for continuation in independent-study modules.

Meeting times: Mondays & Wednesdays 1:15–3:05
Location: Braun Music Building, room 128 (or entry also from room 129)
Instructors: Eleanor Selfridge-Field (
Craig Stuart Sapp (
Office Hours: 3:05–4:05 Wednesdays and by appointment.
Credits: 2–4

25% class participation, 75% project

  • Project proposal: 3 pages, due Mon. 14 April 2014
  • Project presentation, 20–30 minutes, Wed. 3 June 2015.
  • Project writeup draft: 5+ pages, Wed. 3 June 2014
  • Project writeup: 10–20 pages, Thurs. 11 June 2015
Website: 254 Overview of topics presented in Music 254.
Prerequisites: Completion of Music 253/CS 275b, or demonstrated ability to use notation and sound software and associated requirements.
Textbook: E. Selfridge-Field, ed., Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes (MIT Press, 1997). Available online by permission of the publisher.


Go to week: Harmony 1 | Melody 2 | Rhythm 3 | Harmony 4 | RegEx 5 | Programming 6 | 7 | 8

See also Music 253/CS 275a Syllabus

Week Dates Topics
30 March, 1 Apr 2015

Harmony I

6 & 8 Apr 2015


13 Apr 2015


3 15 Apr 2015

Data/Data entry

  • Data/Data entry in Humdrum (PDF slides)
    • KernScores: digital library of scores in the **kern format
      • [1] introduction to KernScores
      • [2] shortcuts to data in KernScores
      • [3] browse collections in KernScores
    • [4]: Josquin Research Project: digital library of early Renaissance polyphony
    • xml2hum: MusicXML to Humdrum converter
    • mid2hum: MIDI to Humdrum converter (works in many cases, but better to convert MIDI first to MusicXML then import).
20 Apr 2015

Harmony II

4 22 Apr 2015

Humdrum & MIDI

27 Apr 2015

Regular Expressions

5 29 April 2015
4 May 2015

Programming for Humdrum files

  • Humdrum Extras — C++ library for processing Humdrum files
  • music21 — Python environment which reads Humdrum files
6 6 May 2015

Inner metric analysis

Sonority distributions by bass-line scale degrees

7 11 May 2015


7 13 May 2015

Musical Style

8 18 May 2015

Project development

No class meeting

8 20 May 2015

Project development

No class meeting

9 28 May 2014



  • MEI (Music Encoding Initiative) Release 2.0
6 June 2 2015
8 June 4 2015

Project presentations

General Policies and University Rules

General policies and university rules:

  1. Delivery times:
    1. Assignments: by the start of the class for which they are due.
    2. Final exam: by 11 p.m. of the assigned date.
  2. Honor code: We will act and expect you to act according to the Stanford Honor Code.
  3. Students with disabilities: Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) located within the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). SDRC staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty dated in the current quarter in which the request is being made. Students should contact the SDRC as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommdations. The OAE is located at 563 Salvatierra Walk (phone 723-1066).