Packard Humanities Institute's Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities at Stanford University
General information
- Computing in Musicology: a fifteen-volume series (1985-2007) initially focusing on music-printing software, then later on academic articles related to computers and music.
- Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes (1997): a collection of chapters by different authors describing digital music representation formats used in the last half of the 20th century.
- Article reprints
Composer and Work Resources (including MuseData Archive)
CCARH digitizes classical music scores for use in education, performance and computational analysis. The database front-end for PDF and digital scores and is at The links below point to articles giving context to the music represented in the MuseData database.
J. S. Bach
- Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (BWV 846-869)
- Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II (BWV 870-893)
Arcangelo Corelli: Complete Repertory
Ludwig van Beethoven: Selected Works
George Frideric Handel: Selected Works
- Messiah (oratorio), HWV 56: Overview, Scores and Parts (PDF)
Franz Joseph Haydn: Selected Works
Benedetto Marcello: Selected Works
Giovanni Rovetta: Selected Works
Antonio Vivaldi: Selected Works
Digital Resources for Musicology (DRM)
- DRM is a searchable list of annotated links useful for musicology researchers. The links are grouped into 13 categories including links to musical scores, maps, newspapers, and images.
Electronic and Virtual Editions (EVE)
- EVE is a list of annotated links to digitized and scanned musical scores as well as projects focused on digital scores.
Archive of Digital Applications in Musicology (ADAM)
- ADAM is a complementary list to EVE, where historically interesting digital projects that may not still be maintained are listed with annotations.
- VHV is an online music-notation editor designed for textual and graphical editing of music in the Humdrum format. The editor can also be used to textually edit digital music in the MEI, MusicXML, MuseData and EsAC formats. After preparations of scores in VHV, you can display on your own webpages using the Humdrum Notation Plugin.
MuseData to PostScript converter
- muse2ps is a command-line tool for converting MuseData "stage2" and "i-files" into graphical notation in the PostScript format.
- A digital analytic edition of music from the early Renaissance, created in collaboration with Jesse Rodin (Stanford University). The website serves as a front-end for searching and browsing a database of over 1000 scores. PDF files of the music are generated dynamically using the MuseData printing program, muse2ps. The actual digital scores are stored on Github for use in off-line analyses by technical users. A review of this resource by Andrew Kirkman can be found in Vol. 68/2 (Summer 2015) of the Journal of the American Musicological Society:
"[A]ll of us in the field owe the architects of the Josquin Research Project a tremendous debt of gratitude: what they have taken on is ambitious to the point of heroism", (p. 465).
- TiMP is an online critical edition of musical settings of the poetry of Torquato Tasso by various composers between 1570 and 1640. TiMP was developed in collaboration with Emiliano Ricciardi (University of Massachusetts Amherst) with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The edition includes about 650 madrigals and about 150 other works by 241 composers, published by over 60 publishers. Both musical and textual data can be searched, and a page for each musical setting allows animated playing and searching of the scores. The digital scores are stored on Github for use in off-line analyses by technical users.
- Searchable digital score database of Chopin first editions, part of the Chopin Heritage in Open Access project of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute which contains nearly 40000 digital objects related to Chopin (scans of first editions, letters, photographs, journal articles, audio recordings, and videos from the Chopin Competition). Funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund and the Digital Poland Program. The digital scores are stored on Github for use in off-line analyses by technical users.
- This website generates Gregorian and Julian calendars for various locales within Europe. Each country (or even individual cities within a country) switched from the Julian to Gregorian calendar at various times between 1586 and the 20th century. This website was used in the preparation of the book A New Chronology of Venetian Opera and Related Genres, 1660—1760 by Eleanor Selfridge-Field.
Stanford University Piano Roll Archive (SUPRA)
- Stanford Libraries possesses over 15,000 player-piano and organ rolls. The Condon Collection serves as an initial and central collection. These rolls are being scanned, and musical data in the form of MIDI files and rendered audio files of the performances are available on the SUPRA website. An exhibit on the library's website gives historical context to the rolls. This paper summarizes the digitization aspects of the project and was selected as best paper at the International Society for Music Information Retrieval conference in Delft, The Netherlands (November 2019).
Haydn/Mozart String Quartet Quiz
- The Haydn/Mozart String Quartet Quiz is a game that tests your knowledge of Haydn and Mozart by playing a movement of a string quartet that is a 50/50% chance of being by one or the other composer. The test interface requires MIDI playback, which is becoming more and more difficult to achieve in web browsers. Here is the summary of the current user responses, broken down by each quartet movement.
- CCARH helps maintain the Humdrum website, which documents the Humdrum data format as well as tools for processing data in this format. Also see the CCARH Humdrum Portal which precedes the Humdrum website and contains links to various Humdrum resources (now somewhat dated).
- A compositional tool for working with pitches based on integer ratio tunings, developed in collaboration with Julie Zhu. Presented at TENOR 2021.
Stanford Links
CCARH Courses
- Music 252: Introduction to Music Notation Software (not currently being offered)
- Music 253: Musical Information: An Introduction
- Music 254: Music Query, Analysis, and Style Evaluation
- Student and visitor projects