SCORE user input

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The primary data entry method for the SCORE program uses the computer keyboard instead of a MIDI keyboard since SCORE was developed before MIDI (1983). The User Input Mode was designed for efficient input of the basic musical data, which is later fine-tuned in the interactive graphic environment of the SCORE editor.

This lab will get you up to speed on the music encoding system used in the SCORE input mode. Learn how to encode the following examples on paper before starting to use the SCORE program so that you do not have to learn the SCORE user interface at the same time as learning the user input encoding system.

First, download the exercise sheet which has six melodic examples for you to encode:

fivestageinput.pdf — SCORE User Input Exercises.

You should also read and refer to the SCORE User Input Manual while doing these exercises. In particular, refer to the SCORE User Input Manual. The SCORE survival guide gives detailed step-by-step instructions for entering the first example below. It also convers how to save, reload and print the example.

Below are the six exercises you should practice encoding on paper. New encoding concepts are given as hints underneath each exercise. Click on the solutions link to see the encoding answers (after you have done them for yourself, of course!). The little numbers above the notes are for reference in input stages 3 to 5 when items are placed on the staff relative the numbered notes in graphical interface to SCORE.

  • See the Step-by-step guide to entering music into SCORE 4 for opening, entering and saving this example.
  • TR = treble clef.
  • K1S = "key one sharp" → key signature with one sharp.
  • COM = "common time" → C time signature (equivalent to 4/4).
  • M = measure (barline). Often useful to add a extra space for visual clarity when inputting data.
  • MH = "measure heavy" → final barline.
  • The starting pitch is D5, the first rhythm is "Q." which stands for a dotted quarter note rhythm; you could also use "4." for the rhythm.
  • Try encoding the pitches in both ordinary mode and proximity mode.
  • Score Exercise 1 Solutions

  • K3F = "key three flats" → key signature with three flats.
  • The long slur on top of the music needs to be encoded as "1 +16" since it would be placed underneath the notes by default.
  • Ties are encoded in the slur input stage (stage #5).
  • Score exercise 4 solutions

  • AL = alto clef
  • AL/K1F/2 4/-TR = print an alto clef, but input following pitches while pretending that the staff starts with a treble clef (for those of you who cannot read alto clef).
  • A = accent.
  • FE = fermata.
  • S = staccato.
  • S 1:6 = staccatos on notes 1 through 6.
  • Score exercise 6 solutions

Once these exercises can be done without a problem, you can progress to the next set of exercises.