Search for coherent directions: The Representation of Musical Information in Machine-Readable Form (Walter Hewlett); Inventory of Musical Characters (Stephen Dydo); Updated Survey of Music-Printing software (with graphical samples, Ed Correia).
Pursuit of standards for music-encoding; optical music recognition; input methods of music-encoding, with graphical samples of set examples, including Beethoven's "Harp" quartet (Ed Correia).
Melodic Similarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications
Concepts and Procedures: Conceptual and Representational Issues (E. Selfridge-Field); Geometrical Algorithms (D. O'Maidin); String-matching Techniques (T. Crawford et al.); Sequence-based Melodic Comparison (L.A. Smith et al.)
Tools and Applications: RISM Sorting Strategies (J. Howard); Signatures and Earmarks (D. Cope); Neural Models for Chorale Harmonization (D. Hörnel); Melodic Pattern-Detection (N. Nettheim); Rhythmic Elements of Melodic Practice (M. Yako)
Human Melodic Judgments: Melodic Similarity in Copyright Infringement (C. Cronin); Human and Machine Authorship Judgments (E. Dahlig et al.)
Online Tools for Melodic Search: MELDEX (D. Bainbridge); Themefinder (A. Körnstädt)
The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, and Restoration
Representation and Interchange: C.M.M.E. (Th. Dumitrescu), Hildegard von Bingen (S. Morent), NIFF-to-Braille MN (D. Langolff et al.), Music Notation to Braille MN (Silas Brown), Score-level Representation with GUIDO (Holger Hoos et al.), an XML Introduction (G. Casten, M. Good, P. Roland),
Retrieval and Analysis: Geographical Localization of Musical Features (B. Aarden, D. Huron), Features of Monophonic Vocal Melodies (Jane Singer), A DARMS Parser for Hymn-tune Searching (J. Stanley, A. Kearns)
Virtual Restoration of Sources: Virtual Restoration in the DIAMM Project (A. Wathey, M. Bent, J. Craig McFeely); Image-Enhancement Procedures (Alejandro Planchart); Computer Collation of Divergent Early Print Instances (Ph. Brett, Jeremy Smith); Digital Imaging of Watermarks (D. Edge), An Electronic Facsimile of Berg's Wozzeck Sketches (P. Hall)
European Musicology: XML and Music XML (Michael Good et al.), Aruspix and Wolfgang (L. Pugin, Chr. Jeanneret), et al.
Eurasian Musicology: Byzantine Repertories (P. Mavromatis, A. Doneda)
Asian Musicology: Automatic Transcription of Tabla Music (P. Chordia); Melodic Atoms in Indian Classical Music (Arv. Krishnaswamy); Japanese Koto and its Melismatic Patterns (Cr. Sapp, S. Deguchi, K. Shirai),\; Microtonal Matchining in Indonesian Music (A. Uitdenbogerd, Imam S.H. Suyoto)
Cyclic-Distance Pattern in Diatonic Sets (O. Izmirli)
Tonal Properties of Pitch-class Sets (D. Temeperley)
Navigating Tonal Space (P. Janata)
Toroidal Models of Tonal Theory (H. Purwins et al.)
Automatic Chord Identification (S. Sapp)
Assessing Disputed Attributions (P. van Kranenburg)
Affinities between Metric and Tonal Structures (A. Volk et al.)
Chordal Evaluation in MIDI-based Harmonic Analysis (E. Ferkova et al.)
Visualization of Tonal Content in Visual and Audio Domains (P. Toiviainen)
Editorial Credits
The series Computing in Musicology benefitted greatly from the contributions of in-house staff members Don Anthony, Edmund Correia, Steven Rasmussen, and Beth Youngdoff. The enthusiasm of the many notation-software developers who contributed their best work annually played an important role in moving the dial forward for all users. The musicologists and music theorists who sent in progress reports on individual work played an equally important role in helping to establish a field that was still in gestation. The contributing editors whose names are listed in each issue brought essential insights and perspectives.