Talk:Digital Resources for Musicology

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This page uses templates for each section. To make sure that the most recent version of the template is loaded, add "?action=purge" to the end of the page's url:


Each section of the Links page uses a template.

The templates are (excluding any changes/update in the main headings on the page):

  1. Digitized Score Reprints Template:DRM_reprints
  2. Digitized Music Manuscripts Template:DRM_manuscripts
  3. Repertory- and Genre-Based Digitization Projects Template:DRM_genre
  4. Databases Template:DRM_databases
  5. Portals and Search Engines for Music Template:DRM_portals
  6. Music Theory Resources Template:DRM_music_theory
  7. Historical Audio and Video (Film) Template:DRM_audio_video
  8. Historical Maps Template:DRM_maps
  9. Newspapers Template:DRM_newspapers
  10. Music Magazines Template:DRM_magazines
  11. Large Text Corpora Template:DRM_texts
  12. Image Resources Template:DRM_images
  13. Credits Template:DRM_credits