Template:DRM texts
Deutsches Textarchiv (German Text Archive)
Website: http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/list
This carefully executed project aims to put the classic printed literature in German online. Its holdings are far better curated than the same titles in Google Books and other aggregation gateways. Optically recognized text is shown side-by-side with the original image. Books are categorized by century (according to date of publication). Contains dramas (Goethe), treatises (Karl Marx), autobiographies (Otto von Bismark), lyrics (Brockes, Klopstock), novels (Jean Paul), legal writings, local history, travel literature, theology, satire, and a long list of short-run early newspapers. DTA holdings are TEI-complaint. The great strengths of the DTA include its internal search, its side-by-side view of original and recognized text, and its tiered metadata structures.
Collaborative Digital Libraries Gateway
Website: http://international.loc.gov/intldl/find/digital_collaborations.html
This Library of Congress gateway for international projects gives an overview of collaborative projects with an American component, currently including Brazil, France, the Netherlands, and Siberia.
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
Website: http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebogroup
Early English Books Online offers a digitized image of every text published in English between 1483 and 1700. At its core it is commercial, but several universities support searches of the material. More than 60,000 texts are searchable at the University Michigan site linked above. Publication metadata is provided by the Text Creation Partnership.
European History Primary Sources
Website: http://primary-sources.eui.eu/search-options
European History Primary Sources, an umbrella site for digital projects and resources, offers a [Sources http://primary-sources.eui.eu/search-options free-text search] across all its textual resources, allows searches to be saved, and provides lists to [primary-sources.eui.eu/browse-repositories digitized resources] and national portals where available. Its geographical and cultural breadth (from Iceland to Turkey) is immense.
Medieval Nordic Text Archive (MNTA)
Website: http://www.menota.org/forside.xhtml
The MNTA is a TEI-compliant collection of writings in old Scandinavian languages. It offers users an appropriate text font and an encoding manual for those who wish to collaborate.
Oxford Text Archive (OTA)
Website: http://ota.ox.ac.uk
The OTA was begun on mainframe computers with the curated encoding of texts important for the study of the languages and literatures both early and modern. Its website contains numerous links to tools and related projects.
Perseus Digital Library
Website: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper
Perseus was originally developed under the direction of Gregory Crane with the aim of enabling students to explore the classical literature encoded by Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. It subsequently expanded to incorporate many other aspects of classical civilization, including graphical explanations of textual references, as for example here. It now extends to research in other languages and later periods. Its catalogue is online. A separate digital lexicon (e.g. this one, for Arabic-English translation), is available for each one.
Packard Humanities Institute Early Texts
Website: https://packhum.org
The Packard Humanities Institute has encoded and in some cases translated a large quantity of text from Roman antiquity and the Persian middle ages. Texts are indexed and are easily browsed and searched. They are available for personal use only. Musical references are incidental.
- PHI Latin Texts (200–c 600 CE)
- PHI Persian Literature in Translation
Rousseau Online
Website: http://www.rousseauonline.ch/tdm.php
Rousseau's writings contain countless items of interest. Here you can find the text of Pygmalion, Rousseau's Essay on Modern Music, his letters to Charles Burney and Messieur Raynal, the Dictionnaire de la Musique, and a host of miscellaneous writings from all periods of his life. The script is modern. ePub and PDF formats are both supported.
TextGrid Repository
Website: https://textgridrep.org
The TextGrid Repository, a virtual research environment for the humanities, contains metadata for a wide-ranging miscellany of verse, prose, drama, and other writings. It has been developed at the University of Göttingen. Verse is the largest category, with 118,000 items at present. The other three combined amount to roughly 66,000 items. The "grid" is formed by hyperlinked metadata. The objects themselves are in various other locations but will eventually be directly downloadable. Contributions of encoded texts are accepted. Please enquire first (https://textgrid.de/en/kontakt/).
Théâtre classique (Classic Theater)
Website: http://www.theatre-classique.fr
Théâtre classique (Classic Theater) is an umbrella website focused on French dramas from the sixteenth into the twentieth century. Full texts (1,500) and more than one hundred polemical and theoretical pieces are included. These are provided in HTML, PDF, and sometimes other formats. Representative authors include Thomas Corneille, Denis Diderot, Jean de La Fontaine, Pierre de Marivaux, Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), Jean Racine, Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), and many other dramatists. All texts are TEI-compliant.
Materials can be located by place, date, author, and several other rubrics. Among its dependent sites, the Pièces des registres de la Comédie Française (1060) gives genre and exact date for the performances of the Comédie from its founding in 1680 up to the Revolution. This project is a collaboration with the Comédie Française Registers Project. It builds on the work of the the Calendrier Électronique des Spectacles sous l’Ancien Régime et sous la Révolution (listed separately under Structured Databases).
Update for 2021 from CCARH: The home URL can be difficult to connect with, but component parts, e.g. the biographical dictionary of authors, comic actors, and musicians, are consistently available. ARTFL, a similar but older project, offers access to its resources through university subscriptions.
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)
Website: http://www.tlg.uci.edu
The TLG issues from a pioneering effort to develop tools for the computerized study of ancient Greek. This effort preceded the advent of personal computer by a decade. Because of the need for special fonts, the collection is still mainly distributed on CD-ROM. An abridged version of the TLG is now available without cost. Access to the full corpus requires a subscription. A searchable online version of the Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek-English Lexicon is also available online.