Humdrum lab 4
First check out Humdrum lab 3
This lab introduces the digital scores of the Josquin Research Project.
Note in particular that the tindex/themax/theloc search engine is implemented with a front-end on the JRP website:
In other words, you can search entire works, although the search features are limited to 3: pitch, interval and rhythm.
Download the data
First download the data by genre:
cd ~/Desktop mkdir jrp cd jrp mkdir masses (cd masses; humsplit h://jrp/Zma) mkdir motets (cd motets; humsplit h://jrp/Zmo) mkdir songs (cd songs; humsplit h://jrp/Zso)
There are three basic genres: secular songs, religious songs (motets), and music for the mass ordinary.
You can also download works by composer, such as Jean Mouton:
humsplit h://jrp/Mou
humsplit h://jrp/Ock
Josquin securely attributed works:
humsplit h://jrp/Joa
Josquin not securely attributed works:
humsplit h://jrp/Job
All of Josquin works:
humsplit h://jrp/Jos
Alternatively, the JRP database is available on github at
How much data is there?
How many files:
cd ~/Desktop/jrp ls masses motets songs | grep krn | wc -l
(Github is more recent).
How many notes:
cat */*.krn | extractx -i **kern | census -k
There are 803,046 notes
By genre:
for i in masses motets songs do echo "$i:" cat $i/*.krn | extractx -i **kern | census -k | grep "Number of notes" done
Masses | 472,034 |
Motets | 258,323 |
Songs | 72,689 |
Longest songs:
$ scordur songs/*.krn | sort -k 2 -nr | head -n 10
songs/Jos2918-Nymphes_des_bois__Requiem.krn: 1240 songs/Jos2720-La_belle_se_siet.krn: 1192 songs/Jos2713-Helas_madame.krn: 1144 songs/Jos2723-Lheure_est_venue__Circumdederunt_me.krn: 1048 songs/Jos3009-Regretz_sans_fin.krn: 1040 songs/Jos3011-Se_congie_prens.krn: 792 songs/Jos2905-Du_mien_amant.krn: 736 songs/Ort3006-La_mi_la_sol.krn: 728 songs/Ock3012-Ma_maistresse.krn: 680 songs/Jos2811-Dulces_exuviae.krn: 680
(units of quarter notes)
Shortest masses:
$ scordur masses/*.krn | sort -k 2 -nr | tail -n 10 masses/Ock1004.3a-Missa_Cuiusvis_toni-Kyrie-on_F.krn: 316 masses/Ock1004.2a-Missa_Cuiusvis_toni-Kyrie-on_E.krn: 316 masses/Ock1004.1a-Missa_Cuiusvis_toni-Kyrie-on_D.krn: 316 masses/Ock1002a-Missa_Au_travail_suis-Kyrie.krn: 304 masses/Jos0904e-Missa_Rosina-Agnus.krn: 296 masses/Rue1005f-Missa_Ave_sanctissima_Maria-Loco_Deo_Gratias.krn: 288 masses/Jos0904d-Missa_Rosina-Sanctus.krn: 276 masses/Rue1020e-Missa_Nunca_fue_pena_mayor-Agnus.krn: 264 masses/Jos1312-Crucifixus.krn: 200 masses/Ock1001a-Kyrie_Gloria_Credo_Sine_nomine-Kyrie.krn: 144
Longest Sanctus sections of masses:
$ scordur masses/*-Sanctus.krn | sort -k 2 -nr | head -n 10 masses/Ock1003d-Missa_Caput-Sanctus.krn: 2160 masses/Ock1005d-Missa_De_plus_en_plus-Sanctus.krn: 2052 masses/Agr1004d-Missa_Malheur_me_bat-Sanctus.krn: 1968 masses/Mou1020d-Missa_Da_pacem-Sanctus.krn: 1960 masses/Jos0302d-Missa_Da_pacem-Sanctus.krn: 1960 masses/Jos0902d-Missa_Mon_seul_plaisir-Sanctus.krn: 1832 masses/Rue1031d-Missa_Tous_les_regretz-Sanctus.krn: 1808 masses/Jos1102d-Missa_La_sol_fa_re_mi-Sanctus.krn: 1728 masses/Jos0901d-Missa_Malheur_me_bat-Sanctus.krn: 1728 masses/Jos0403d-Missa_Pange_lingua-Sanctus.krn: 1708
Online census:
Final tone
$ finalis songs/*.krn | sortcount 58 G 36 D 27 A 13 F 10 C 7 E 1 B-
One song with a final on B-flat.
Scale degrees
The music is not in major/minor modes as modern tonal music is conceived, so there is no key designations in the files. There is a script in Humdrum Extras which will add a key designation based on the final tone of the music so that scale degree information can be extracted from the scores:
$ finalis-tonic songs/Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | less
Calculate scale degrees patterns of length 5 in the B-flat song:
$ finalis-tonic songs/Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | deg -at | serialize | context -n 5 | ridx -H | sortcount 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 1 7 6 5 6 4 2 3 r 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 4 3 1 7 6 7 1 3 6 5 4 3 4 3 6 5 6 5 1 3 1 7 1 7 1 3 7 6 5 6 5 3 6 2 1 7 6
Calculate scale degrees for all songs:
$ finalis-tonic songs/Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | deg -at | serialize \ | grep -v = | context -n 5 | ridx -H | sortcount | head -n 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 3 r 2 3 4 1 7 6 5 6 4 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 6 5 4 3 2 3 2 1 7 6 5 3 1 7 1 7 1 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 5 6 5 4 3
Length-5 scale degree patterns in songs:
$ finalis-tonic songs/* | extractx -i **kern | deg -at | serialize -L \ | egrep -v '=|r' | context -n 5 | ridx -H | sortcount | head -n 10 427 5 4 3- 2 1 302 3- 2 1 7- 1 297 4 3- 2 1 7- 236 2 1 7- 6 5 219 2 3- 2 1 7- 219 1 2 3- 4 5 198 7- 6 5 4 5 196 1 2 3- 2 1 193 7- 1 2 3- 2 185 1 7- 6 5 4
Exercise: How do the most common scale-degree patterns compare to masses and motets?
The B-flat song has an interesting harmonic structure:
$ mkeyscape -ln Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | convert - out.png; open out.png
Stronger focus on E-flat major triads in the first part, then more B-flat major chords in the second part.
You can browse keyscapes on kernscores:
(go to analysis section of individual works and then click on the entry for keyscape)
The Humdrum Extras tool sonority can be used for basic triadic analysis of sonorities.
$ sonority Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | ridx -H | sortcount | head -n 10 26 X 16 incmaj:0:B- 13 incmajx3:0:B- 12 incmaj:0:E- 11 maj:0:F 10 incmin:0:D 9 maj:0:B- 8 maj:0:E- 8 note::B- 7 incmin:0:G
Only roots:
sonority -ra Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | sed 's/qual/cdata/' | pbcopy
The "roots" of the first half of the piece:
$ myank -m 1-37 Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | sonority | ridx -H | sortcount | head -n 10 12 X 7 maj:0:E- 6 incmajx3:0:B- 6 incmin:0:D 6 incmaj:0:E- 5 note::B- 5 maj:0:F 4 incmaj:0:B- 4 incmin:0:G 4 min:0:C
The "roots" of the second half of the piece:
$ myank -m 38-$ Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | sonority | ridx -H | sortcount | head -n 10 14 X 12 incmaj:0:B- 7 maj:0:B- 7 incmajx3:0:B- 6 maj:0:F 6 incmaj:0:E- 6 incmaj:1:E- 5 maj:1:F 4 incmin:0:D 4 note::F
Generalized sonorities
The Humdrum Extras tntype tool gives a generalized description of the sonorities.
First look at the notes that are present at each time position in the score:
tntype -da Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | less
Then look at the sonorities in compact pitch class form:
tntype -tna Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | tntype -da
Then look at the sonorities as a Forte enumeration:
tntype -a Jos2724-Madame_helas.krn | tntype -tna | tntype -da
=1- =1- =1- =1- =1- =1- 0r 0F 0f 1-1 [5] F =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 0BB- 1F 0f 2-5 [5A] B- f . 1F . 2-5 [5A] (B-) f =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 0BB- [0B- 1f 2-5 [5A] B- f . . 1f 2-5 [5A] (B-) f =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 1BB- 0B-] 1.b- 1-1 [A] B- 1BB- . . 1-1 [A] B- . . 2a/ 2-1 [9A] a (B-) =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5
Forte number 3-11A is a minor chord, and 3-11B is a major chord.
There are 351 chord "prototypes" (uniq transposable sets of 1 to 12 notes):
What are the generalized sonorities of the Motet genre:
$ tntype * | ridx -H | sortcount -p | head -n 10 18.31 3-11B 17.68 3-11A 13.01 2-3 11.05 2-5 9.92 2-4 6.23 1-1 3.92 3-9 2.47 2-2 2.01 3-7A 1.93 3-10
18.31% of the sonorities are major triads, and 17.68% are minor triads. The next most common 3-note chord type is 3-9 which is a chord such as "C F G", 3-7A is a sonority such as "C D F", and 3-19 is a diminished triad such as "C E-flat G-flat".
Compare to Bach chorale sonorities:
$ tntype ~/Desktop/chorales/*.krn | ridx -H | sortcount -p | head -n 10 35.09 3-11B 17.26 3-11A 9.07 4-27B 4.96 4-26 4.36 3-10 4.26 3-9 2.8 4-20 2.52 4-27A 1.99 4-22A 1.95 3-7A
Major triads are twice as more likely in Bach chorales than minor triads (particularly because there are more chorales in major keys -- try analyzing major an minor separately).
Contextual analysis of sonorities
What chord types follow a 3-9 sonority in JRP Motets?
$ tntype *.krn | grep -v = | context -n 2 | grep ^3-9 | sortcount -p | head -n 10 47.44 3-9 3-11B 18.25 3-9 3-11A 14.31 3-9 2-5 4.41 3-9 2-3 3.8 3-9 2-4 2.81 3-9 3-10 1.95 3-9 3-9 1.61 3-9 4-23 1.08 3-9 3-7A 0.81 3-9 1-1
Mostly 3-9 is going to 3-11B (major triad), then secondly to minor triad at 18.25%.
Compare to Bach chorales:
$ tntype ~/Desktop/chorales/*.krn | grep -v = | context -n 2 | grep ^3-9 | sortcount -p | head -n 10 57.36 3-9 3-11B 11.01 3-9 3-11A 6.36 3-9 3-9 5.89 3-9 4-27B 4.65 3-9 2-5 3.95 3-9 4-23 1.94 3-9 4-26 1.86 3-9 3-8A 0.85 3-9 4-27A 0.85 3-9 2-4
Still mostly going to major sonorities.
What sonorities precede a 3-9 sonority:
$ tntype ~/Desktop/chorales/*.krn | grep -v = | context -n 2 | grep 3-9$ | sortcount -p | head -n 10 34.73 3-11B 3-9 21.01 3-11A 3-9 6.36 3-9 3-9 5.35 4-14B 3-9 4.65 4-22B 3-9 3.49 4-27B 3-9 2.64 4-26 3-9 2.33 4-20 3-9 2.17 4-27A 3-9 1.94 2-5 3-9
Usually a major sonority precedes a 3-9 sonority.
What about both before and after at the same time:
$ tntype ~/Desktop/chorales/*.krn | grep -v = | context -n 3 | grep " 3-9 " | sortcount -p | head -n 10 23.1 3-11B 3-9 3-11B 7.05 3-11A 3-9 3-11B 5.5 3-11A 3-9 3-11A 4.57 3-9 3-9 3-11B 3.02 4-14B 3-9 3-11B 2.71 3-11B 3-9 3-9 2.4 4-22B 3-9 3-11B 2.25 4-27B 3-9 3-11B 1.86 3-11B 3-9 4-27B 1.86 4-20 3-9 3-11B
Most often a 3-11B goes to 3-9 goes to 3-11B. Second most common is minor to 3-9 to major, then minor to 3-9 to minor.
The dissonant humlib tool was developed by Alex Morgan last year. This tool does two things: (1) identifies dissonances in the music (easy), and (2) labels the function of the dissonance (hard).
Try loading some JRP scores into the VHV editor, and type a line somewhere in the editor:
!!!filter: dissonant --color
You should see some text labels and colored notes that are dissonant:
What are the most common dissonance types in the JRP songs:
$ dissonant *.krn | extractx -i **cdata | serialize | ridx -H \ | sortcount -p | head -n 10 25.07 g 18.36 p 17.15 P 13.91 s 6.3 q 5.68 n 1.37 v 1.28 e 1.27 a 1.25 k 1.21 h 0.95 c 0.79 Z
In the masses:
$ dissonant ../masses/*.krn | extractx -i **cdata | serialize | ridx -H \ | sortcount -p | head -n 10 22.19 g 17.68 p 17.55 P 13.78 s 6.63 q 4.64 n 2.02 v 1.97 k 1.69 c 1.51 a
Lab 1 (intro) | Lab 2 (Essen) | Lab 3 (searching) | Lab 4 (JRP) | Lab 5 (Wikifonia) | Lab 6 (bar chart) | Lab 7 (regular expressions) | Lab 8 (chorck & cint) |