SCORE tutorial videos

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Section 1: Getting Started with User Input

Click on the number to the left of each entry to view the video for that segment.


[16:00] Introduction to inputing musical data into SCORE 4.01. commands presented:

    command    time           description
    inp [02:50] Enter user input mode.
    z [11:50] Redraw the screen.
    sa [12:20] Save the current contents of the editor to the specified file (binary format). Equivalent to "Save As..." in Windows programs.
    lj [13:20] Linup and justify command.
    sm [15:15] Save to the SaMe filename as the last save. Equivalent to "Save" in Windows programs.
    exit [15:47] exit from SCORE.
1-2 [5:00] Demonstration of pitch input using proximity mode. Input of pitches can be done in ordinary (octave) mode or proximity mode. In octave mode, successive pitches are placed in the same octave range as the previous note if no new octave value is given. In proximity mode, the next pitch class which is closest to the previous pitch (i.e., within a fourth of the previous pitch) will be selected by default.

[3:30] Demonstration of how to recover from an error during input mode.


[7:30] Entering marks, beams, and slurs. Using the second exercise on the page <a href=></a>.


[6:00] Automatic beaming, using the third exercise on the page <a href=></a>.


[6:00] Introduction to editing objects in SCORE, continuing to finish the layout of exercise 3 on the page <a href=></a> with a few basic editing commands. This tutorial also demonstrates how to load a .mus file into the SCORE editor, using the G command at time index [0:40].


[5:00] Entering slurs contrary to conventional placement using exercise 4 on the page <a href=></a>.


[6:00] Fixing the direction of slurs after user input mode has been completed. Using exercise 4 on the page <a href=></a>. Also demonstrates some basic parameter editing to adjust the curvature of the slur.


[3:00] Fixing the direction of slurs after user input mode has been completed, using the edi command. Using exercise 4 on the page <a href=></a>.


[3:00] Exercise 5 on the webpage <a href=></a> which contains the new items of a bass clef and sixteenth notes. This tutorial also demonstrates how to enter rhythms as numbers rather than as character abbreviations.

1-11 [4:30] SCORE user input exersice 6 which contains the new items of an alto clef and more articulations. This tutorial also demonstrates how to enter pitches using a superimposed clef and applying marks to a range of notes.
1-12 [6:30] Putting it all together. Demonstration of how to navigate between the individual data files for the exercises input in the previous tutorials. Also demonstrates how to combine the music from individual files to form a complete page.
1-13  [13:00] Demonstration of printing music from SCORE.