Finale: Bach Prelude in F minor

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J.S. Bach prelude in F minor in Finale 2009

This is the second exercise for entering music in Finale using Simple Note Entry. The previous exercise is Mary Had a Little Lamb and the next exercise is a chorale.

This exercise demonstrates how to:

  1. Add a staff.
  2. Add a brace to the system and connect barlines between staves in the system.
  3. Create a pickup measure.
  4. Enter chords.
  5. Alter beats in measure without displaying time signature.
  6. Hide a barline.
  7. Manually select linebreak points between measures.

Follow these instructions to enter the music/lyrics for the first few bars of J.S. Bach's prelude in F minor, BWV 881 from Book II of the Well-Tempered Clavier. The final result should look similar to the image displayed to the right.