Creating SVG images in MuseScore

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Revision as of 22:08, 2 September 2020 by Craig (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Here are instructions for creating SVG images of musical notation in MuseScore. == Creating SVG images in MuseScore == From the File menu in MuseScore, select "Export..." A...")
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Here are instructions for creating SVG images of musical notation in MuseScore.

Creating SVG images in MuseScore

From the File menu in MuseScore, select "Export..." A save dialog window will open up:

Output image from Inkscape

Here is the final output image from Inkscape scaled to various sizes:

1000px wide
Scaled to 1000px wide
800px wide
Scaled to 800px wide
600px wide
Scaled to 600px wide
400px wide
Scaled to 400px wide
200px wide
Scaled to 200px wide

Each of these images are actually PNG image that were created for the specific size from the SVG image. There is probably a way of showing the SVG image directly, but on Wikipedia, SVG images are not allowed to be shown directly in the entries due to security problems that can occur with SVG images (we should not need to worry about that since the CCARH wiki is a close wiki).