Josquin Project encoding standards
Finale input shall proceed as follows:
1. Name your files according to this convention: [NJE number][letter to indicate sections, if applicable]-[piece name, words separated by dashes]-[section name, if applicable] e.g. 4.2a-Missa-Gaudeamus-Kyrie
2. Notate mensuration signs as an expression, in CamelCase, linked to the first note/rest after the sign. Do not hide the time signature. e.g. if the piece is in circle, the time signature would be 3/1, and the expression "Circle" would be linked to the first note.
3. Notate ficta as an accidental on the staff, but with parentheses. (#)
4. Place double bars (not end bars) after major cadences.
5. Indicate terminal longs (i.e. longs that occur just before double bars or end bars) with the articulation < (accent).
Indicate terminal breves with the articulation ^ (marcato).
We still need to decide on the following questions: - Do we bother to distinguish between coloration triplets and a "3" sign? - If there are voice changes within a section or piece, do we make a new file for each change, or have voices with long stretches of rests? - What will the standard CamelCase mensuration expressions be?