Humdrum homework

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Music 253 Humdrum Homework

Examine the melodic and harmonic properties of the Bach chorale data set. Refer to [Humdrum Lab 1] for how to download the chorales (and install the tools useful for the homework).

Melodic intervals

Here is a template for extracting the melodic intervals for the Tenor part in the chorales and plotting them in a histrgram by percentages:

    extractx -s 2 *.krn | mint | grep -v r | ridx -H | grep -v [[] | \
      sortcount -vp --sort interval -T "Tenor melodic intervals" > melodic-tenor.html

This plot should be displayed when opening up the generated HTML file:

Make plots for bass (spine 1), alto (spine 3), and soprano (spine 4) and visually compare the plots to each other.


1. Which part has the most repetitions (P1 interval)? 2. Which part has the most leaps (intervals greater than 2 or less than -2)?

Harmonic intervals

Here is an example of how to extract the harmonic intervals between the soprano and bass parts:

    extractx -s 1,4 *.krn | hint | ridx -H | grep -v [r-] | sortcount -pv -T "Harmonic intervals between Soprano and Bass" --sort interval  > analysis.html

This plot should be displayed when opening up the generated HTML file: