Humdrum Extras

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Humdrum Extras is a set of command-line programs and C++ parser library for processing Humdrum files. The programs can be compiled for Linux, Apple OS X, or Windows (primarily within cygwin, but also in Visual C++). The Humdrum Extras library can be used to parse Humdrum files independent of the example programs provided with the package.

Example Programs

The primary intent of the Humdrum Extras package is for user-based processing of Humdrum files as an auxiliary to the Humdrum Toolkit. Since the programs are compiled from C++, they process data much faster than programs written in interpreted languages, such as AWK which is the main development language for the Humdrum Toolkit.

Documentation for example programs can be found on the web at The source code for these programs is found in the download file, within the src-programs directory, or they can be viewed online.

Programming Examples


Here is a very simple C++ program called humecho.cpp that uses the Humdrum file parser in the Humdrum Extras library:

#include "humdrum.h"
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   HumdrumFile hfile;
   if (argc > 1)[1]);
   std::cout << hfile;
   return 0;

This program will take one Humdrum file as an argument (or standard input) and echo the contents of the Humdrum file to standard output. To compile this program using the Humdrum Extras makefiles, place humecho.cpp in the directory humextra/src-programs, and then type "make humecho. The humecho program can be utilized in several ways, including downloading from the web, or using the humdrum:// (or hum:// or h:// abbreviations):

   cat file.krn | bin/humecho           | less     # standard input
   bin/humecho file.krn                 | less     # command-line argument
   bin/humecho h://wtc/wtc1f01.krn      | less     # humdrum:// URI
   bin/humecho  | less     # URL


The humecho program shows how to access the datafile in its entirety. The following source code for humecho2.cpp demonstrates how to access lines in the file individually. A HumdrumFile class essentially consists of an array of HumdrumRecord classes, and HumdrumRecord classes essentially are character strings which print tab-delimited with cout:

#include "humdrum.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   HumdrumFile hfile;
   if (argc > 1)[1]);
   for (int i=0; i<hfile.getNumLines(); i++) {
      std::cout << hfile[i] << std::endl;
   return 0;

hfile.getNumLines() returns the number of text lines in the Humdrum file stored in the hfile variable. So the for loop iterates through each line in the file and prints it to standard output.