Venetian Opera Productions: Field List
These fields are searchable at
Basic parameters
- Title
- Theater
- Composer
- Librettist
- Dramatic genre
Dates and seasons
- Modern year
- Sorting date
- Theatrical season
- Balli
- Comic intermezzi
- choruses
- prologues
Musical sources and fragments
- Scores
- Arias, other fragments
- Dedicatee
- Dedicatee jurisdiction
- Dedicatee residence
Further information
The data presented here was developed for use in E. Selfrdge-Field, The New Chronology of Venetian Opera and related genres (1660-1760) (Stanford University Press, 2007).
The subtleties of seasons and dating systems are discussed in separately in the companion book (also E. Selfridge-Field) Song and Season: Science, culture, and theatrical time in early modern Venice (Stanford University Press, 2007).