Installing SharpEye

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Instructions for installing SharpEye:

SharpEye is for Windows only, so it should be easy to install on Windows. If you do not have windows, then you can install Wine.


Download SharpEye version 2.68 from the webpage

There is a free unrestricted 30-day evaluation period.

Windows 10

To install in Windows 10, run the installsharpeye2.exe installer and follow the instructions.

The program will be installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\visiv-co-uk\SharpEye2\sharpeye.exe"


For MacOS there are more steps involved. The first step is to install HomeBrew (if you have not already installed MacPorts).

An alternative installation method to that listed below would be to install VirtualBox, which is free (or Parllels which is not free, and then install Windows inside of VirtualBox/Parallels, but they you have to buy a copy of Windows as well.


Homebrew is a unix package manager for MacOS which will be used to download Wine. Go to the Homebrew website and copy the installation command near the top of the page:

  /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then paste that command into If you are not familiar with it is located in `/Applications/Utilities/` (or search for "terminal" in Spotlight). The terminal will be useful later on in the class (for MIDI and Humdrum).

Note that you may need to update your operating system before Homebrew can be installed. This is because it requires the Apple command-line development tools (part of XCode), and Apple does not like to let you use it unless you have an up-to-date operating system. You may want to avoid upgrading to Apple 10.15, since that version of the OS does not allow running 32-bit applications which complicates things a bit.


Notes for installing Wine on MacOS: After installing homebrew, then install wine with this command in