Rosetta Stone of Musical Data Codes
The following graphical notation and digital formats represent the same melody.
Graphical Music Notation
SCORE music typesetting program output
Finale music typesetting program output
Sibelius music typesetting program output
MUP music typesetting program output
Lilypond music typesetting program output
Koto (Japanese harp) music notation
Piano Roll
Digital Encodings (text based)
X:1 T:Example M:2/4 K:F L:1/16 c3 d/2 c/2 c2 c2 | c f f4 z f | f a a4 z c' | c'3 a c'bag |
!G !K1- !M2:4
6E.( 7T(( 6))) 6E( 6) /
6S(( 9)) 9Q RS 9S /
9S( 11) 11Q RS 13S /
13E.( 11S) 13S(( 12 11 10)) /
Guido Music Notation
[ \clef<"g2"> \key<-1> \meter<"2/4"> c2/8. d/32 c c/8 c \bar<2> c/16 f f/4 _/16 f \bar<3> f a a/4 _/16 c3 \bar<4> c/8. a2/16 c3 b&2 a g ]
12/21/04 Part_1 Group memberships: score score: part 1 of 1 $ Q:8 K:-1 T:2/4 C:4 S C5 6 1 e. d [ D5 1 1 t d =[[ C5 1 1 t d ]]] C5 4 1 e d [ C5 4 1 e d ] measure 2 C5 2 1 s d [[ F5 2 1 s d ]] F5 8 1 q d rest 2 1 s F5 2 1 s d measure 3 F5 2 1 s d [[ A5 2 1 s d ]] A5 8 1 q d rest 2 1 s C6 2 1 s d measure 4 C6 6 1 e. d [ A5 2 1 s d ]\ C6 2 1 s d [[ Bf5 2 1 s d == A5 2 1 s d == G5 2 1 s d ]] /END
Hudrum **kern
**kern *staff1 =1- *clefG2 *k[b-] *M2/4\L 32dd\LL 32cc\JJJ 8cc\L 8cc\J =2 16cc\LL 16ff\JJ 4ff\ 16r 16ff\ =3 16ff\LL 16aa\JJ 4aa\ 16r 16ccc\ =4 8.ccc\L 16aa\Jk 16ccc\LL 16bb-\ 16aa\ 16gg\JJ *-
Humdrum **koto
**koto 5.| 5||h 5| 5| = 5|| 7|| 7 0|| 7|| = 7|| 9||# 9# 0|| A|| = A|. 9||# A|| 9||## 9||# 8|| = *-
Info keysig 1 sharp Note 0 750 72 Note 750 875 74 Note 875 1000 72 Note 1000 1500 72 Note 1500 2000 72 Note 2000 2250 72 Note 2250 2500 77 Note 2500 3500 77 Note 3750 4000 77 Note 4000 4250 77 Note 4250 4500 81 Note 4500 5500 81 Note 5750 6000 84 Note 6000 6750 84 Note 6750 7000 81 Note 7000 7250 84 Note 7250 7500 82 Note 7500 7750 81 Note 7750 8000 79
// Measure number 1 =0 // Keysig 1 flat NoteOn 0 1 72 64 NoteOff 0.75 1 72 64 NoteOn 0 1 74 64 NoteOff 0.125 1 74 64 NoteOn 0 1 72 64 NoteOff 0.125 1 72 64 NoteOn 0 1 72 64 NoteOff 0.5 1 72 64 NoteOn 0 1 72 64 NoteOff 0.5 1 72 64 // Measure number 2 =2 NoteOn 0 1 72 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 72 64 NoteOn 0 1 77 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 77 64 NoteOn 0 1 77 64 NoteOff 1 1 77 64 NoteOn 0.25 1 77 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 77 64 // Measure number 3 =4 NoteOn 0 1 77 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 77 64 NoteOn 0 1 81 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 81 64 NoteOn 0 1 81 64 NoteOff 1 1 81 64 NoteOn 0.25 1 84 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 84 64 // Measure number 4 =6 NoteOn 0 1 84 64 NoteOff 0.75 1 84 64 NoteOn 0 1 81 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 81 64 NoteOn 0 1 84 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 84 64 NoteOn 0 1 82 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 82 64 NoteOn 0 1 81 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 81 64 NoteOn 0 1 79 64 NoteOff 0.25 1 79 64
Director Musices
mono-track :trackname "track 1" (bar 1 n ("C5" 3/16) meter (2 4)) (n ("D5" 1/32)) (n ("C5" 1/32)) (n ("C5" 1/8)) (n ("C5" 1/8)) (bar 2 n ("C5" 1/16)) (n ("F5" 1/16)) (n ("F5" 1/4)) (n (nil 1/16) rest t) (n ("F5" 1/16)) (bar 3 n ("F5" 1/16)) (n ("A5" 1/16)) (n ("A5" 1/4)) (n (nil 1/16) rest t) (n ("C6" 1/16)) (bar 4 n ("C6" 3/16)) (n ("A5" 1/16)) (n ("C6" 1/16)) (n ("Bb5" 1/16)) (n ("A5" 1/16)) (n ("G5" 1/16))
(:begin :score (:begin :part1 :staff :treble-staff :key-signature :f-major :time-signature (2 4) (:begin :voice1 (:begin :measure1 (1 ( (6 ((1 :notes (72) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (74) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (72) :stem-direction :down))) )) (1 ( (1 ((1 :notes (72) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (72) :stem-direction :down))) )) ) (:begin :measure2 (2 ( (1 ((1 :notes (72) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (77) :stem-direction :down))) (4 ((1 :notes (77) :stem-direction :down))) (1 (-1)) (1 ((1 :notes (77) :stem-direction :down))) )) ) (:begin :measure3 (2 ( (1 ((1 :notes (77) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (81) :stem-direction :down))) (4 ((1 :notes (81) :stem-direction :down))) (1 (-1)) (1 ((1 :notes (84) :stem-direction :down))) )) ) (:begin :measure4 (1 ( (3 ((1 :notes (84) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (81) :stem-direction :down))) )) (1 ( (1 ((1 :notes (84) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (82) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (81) :stem-direction :down))) (1 ((1 :notes (79) :stem-direction :down))) )) ) ) ; end :voice1 ) ; end :part1 ) ; end :score
\version "2.3.25" \header { crossRefNumber = "1" footnotes = "" tagline = "Lily was here 2.4.1 -- automatically converted from ABC" title = "Example" } voicedefault = { \set Score.defaultBarType = "empty" \time 2/4 c8. d32 c32 c8 c8 \bar "|" c16 f16 f4 r16 f16 \bar "|" f16 a16 a4 r16 c16 \bar "|" c8. a16 c16 b16 a16 g16 \bar "|" } \score{ << \context Staff="default" { \voicedefault } >> }
header size=12 title bold (18) "" title bold (14) "" "" score lyricssize=12 staffs=1 time=2/4 beamstyle=4,4 staff 1 clef = treble key=1& label="" music 1 1: 8.c5 bm; 32d5; 32c5 ebm; 8c5 bm; 8c5 ebm; bar 1 1: 16c5 bm; 16f5 ebm; 4f5; 16r; 16f5; bar 1 1: 16f5 bm; 16a5 ebm; 4a5; 16r; 16c6; bar 1 1: 8.c6 bm; 16a5 ebm; 16c6 bm; 16b5; 16a5; 16g5 ebm; bar
SharpEye MRO
SharpEyeMusicOCROutputFile fileheader { version 3100 characterencoding ISO88591 } score { title$ "dummy title with ""quote"" for test" unitsperstavespacing 16 miditempo 60 midivelocity 64 midilyrics False midirepeats False preedit False pages { nof 1 page { width 1350 height 176 origwidth 2194 origheight 286 skewangle 4 rowoffset 8776 coloffset 0 spacing 26624 imagefpath$ "C:\Program Files\visiv-co-uk\SharpEye2\scrap\Scan.bmp" systems { nof 1 system { top 60 left 110 width 1184 height 64 staves { nof 1 stave { top 60 left 110 width 1184 size 64 voicessplit False joinedtobelow False stavelink 0 invented False bars { nof 4 bar { clefs { nof 1 clef { shape Treble centre 33,34 pitchposn 2 } } keysigs { nof 1 keysig { key -1 centre 23,74 } } timesig { showasalpha False top 2 bottom 4 centre 32,112 } chords { nof 5 chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 1 nflags 0 flagposn 89,152 headend -1 beam { id 0 nofnodes 3 nofleft 0 nofright 1 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 90,216 headend -2 beam { id 0 nofnodes 3 nofleft 1 nofright 3 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -2 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 90,248 headend -1 beam { id 0 nofnodes 3 nofleft 3 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 80,278 headend -1 beam { id 1 nofnodes 2 nofleft 0 nofright 1 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 81,330 headend -1 beam { id 1 nofnodes 2 nofleft 1 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } } barline { type Single leftlinex 382 rightlinex 382 invented False } } bar { chords { nof 5 chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 81,404 headend -1 beam { id 0 nofnodes 2 nofleft 0 nofright 2 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 69,440 headend -4 beam { id 0 nofnodes 2 nofleft 2 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -4 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 57,476 headend -4 beam { id 1 nofnodes 1 nofleft 0 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -4 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem True stemup True stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 41,558 headend 0 beam { id 2 nofnodes 1 nofleft 0 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape SQuaverRest staveoffset 0 p 1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 2 flagposn 71,586 headend -4 beam { id 3 nofnodes 1 nofleft 0 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -4 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } } barline { type Single leftlinex 624 rightlinex 624 invented False } } bar { chords { nof 5 chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 57,646 headend -4 beam { id 0 nofnodes 2 nofleft 0 nofright 2 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -4 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 49,682 headend -6 beam { id 0 nofnodes 2 nofleft 2 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -6 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 41,722 headend -6 beam { id 1 nofnodes 1 nofleft 0 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -6 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem True stemup True stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 40,806 headend 0 beam { id 2 nofnodes 1 nofleft 0 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape SQuaverRest staveoffset 0 p 1 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 2 flagposn 46,834 headend -8 beam { id 3 nofnodes 1 nofleft 0 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -8 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } } barline { type Single leftlinex 872 rightlinex 872 invented False } } bar { chords { nof 6 chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 1 nflags 0 flagposn 32,894 headend -8 beam { id 0 nofnodes 2 nofleft 0 nofright 1 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -8 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 41,960 headend -6 beam { id 0 nofnodes 2 nofleft 2 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -6 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 37,1000 headend -8 beam { id 1 nofnodes 4 nofleft 0 nofright 2 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -8 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 41,1042 headend -7 beam { id 1 nofnodes 4 nofleft 2 nofright 2 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -7 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 46,1082 headend -6 beam { id 1 nofnodes 4 nofleft 2 nofright 2 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -6 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } chord { virtualstem False stemup False stemslash False tuplettransform 1/1 tupletID -1 nofmmrestbars 0 accent False staccato False marcato False staccatissimo False tenuto False pause False upbow False downbow False trill False mordent False invmordent False naugdots 0 nflags 0 flagposn 50,1116 headend -5 beam { id 1 nofnodes 4 nofleft 2 nofright 0 } notes { nof 1 note { shape Solid staveoffset 0 p -5 accid None accid_dc 0 normalside True } } } } barline { type Single leftlinex 1156 rightlinex 1156 invented False } } } } } } } } } }