Installing SharpEye
Instructions for installing SharpEye:
SharpEye is for Windows only, so it should be easy to install on Windows. If you do not have windows, then you can install Wine.
Download SharpEye version 2.68 from the webpage
There is a free unrestricted 30-day evaluation period.
Windows 10
To install in Windows 10, run the installsharpeye2.exe executable and follow the instructions.
For MacOS there are more steps involved. The first step is to install HomeBrew (if you have not already installed MacPorts).
Homebrew is a unix package manager for MacOS. Go to the website and copy the installation command near the top of the page:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then paste that command into If you are not familiar with it is located in `/Applications/Utilities/` (or search for "terminal" in Spotlight). The terminal will be useful later on in the class (for MIDI and Humdrum).