MuseData stage 2 files

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MuseData stage 2 files are MuseData files which contain graphical music-notation elements. [[MuseData stage 1 files] do not contain notational elements.

Official Specification for MuseData stage 2 files:

The MuseData stage 2 file is the primary format for storing Musical data at CCARH. In order to create printable music notation, stage2 files are first converted into i-files using the autoset program.

Organization in the MuseData database

For each musical work in the MuseData database, a directory (folder, library) called stage1 or stage2 will be found. Within that directory will be subdirectories for each movement of the musical work (typically given names such as 01 for movement 1, 02 for movmenet 2, etc.). Within these subdirectories, MuseData files are found. Each files represent and encoding of a separate instrumental part (or sometimes sets of instruments sharing the same staff). The files are numbered according to the part number in the score, such as 01 for the first part, 02 for the second part, and so on. When the MuseData files have variants in the data for different applications, a single-letter prefix is typically added to the part number in the filename. For example s01 would be the score-based version of the instrumental part, while p01 would be the part-based version of the instrumental part.