Instructions for running dskpage.z ------------------------------------------ dskpage.z is the basic music screen display program for Dmuse. It can be run from any current working directory which contains a sub-directory containing page specific i-files. As an example, I just finished typesetting the conducting score for Beethoven's 1st Symphony. On my system, the outputs from mskpage.z are stored in the directory g:/beethoven/bhl/orch/sym1/outputs/skore16/pages/ in the four movement sub-directories 01, 02, 03 and 04. The finished score is stored in the directory g:/beethoven/bhl/orch/sym1/editions/beta-2009/score. The finished parts are stored in 22 sub-directories of the directory g:/beethoven/bhl/orch/sym1/editions/beta-2009/parts/. When dskpage.z first starts up, it asks four questions: (1) Enter note size (<return> = 14). This should be the notesize you have been typesetting. Page specific i-files can and usually do contain instructions specifying notesizes, but in cases where these are not present, your display results may vary somewhat from expectations. (2) Source library? Your answer will depend on where the i-files are stored. When run from the outputs/skore directory, you would type pages/04 to see the fourth movement. When run from the editions/beta-2009 directory, you would type score. If you are in a directory that contains the actual i-files, you can simply enter a dot . (3) starting page number (4) number of pages Once the dskpage.z program has displayed a page, there are a few simple commands to control the program. <Enter> = Display the next page <Backspace> = Display the previous page (you can go backwards to page 1, regardless of which page you stared with) <Tab> = Redisplay the same page <esc> = Exit program 1 = Display in full 300 dots/inch size 2 = Display at half size 3 = Display at one-third size 4 = Display at one-fourth size 5 = Display at two-thirds size cursor left <-- = focus attention left (display moves right) cursor right --> = focus attention right (display moves left) cursor up = focus attention up (display moves down) cursor down = focus attention down (display moves up) At first glance, these commands seem to be backwards. Why should cursor left <-- move the display to the right? The answer is that since the field of music we are viewing is almost always larger than our display, one develops the sense that the display is like a "view camera" that we point this way and that inside what is a larger stationary field. cursor left <-- moves the "view camera" left, so we can see things more to the left. In so doing the display moves to the right. Shifting the cursor commands triples the size of the movement That's it.