                    U S I N G   T H E    E D I T O R    

                 │ <shft> F1  =  Toggle to regular window │

          If you are reading this document for the first time and   
      are unfamiliar with the commands for scrolling the text, you  
      should be aware that <ctrl> ▲ (hold down the <ctrl> key and   
      push the cursor UP key) will scroll the text UP and <ctrl> ▼  
      will scroll the text DOWN.  You can also use the PageUp and   
      PageDown keys to scroll quickly through the document.         

1.1       Dmuse is a multi-tiered program.  At the most basic level,
      it is a program designed to display and print musical scores and
      parts.  You may use it for this purpose without knowing about or
      using any of its other features.

1.2       The Dmuse program includes a versatile screen editor.  At the
      most basic level, the screen editor allows you to load and edit
      ascii Text files, including .MPG music files.  You can use this
      editor to modify the musical notation encoded in these files.

1.3       The File icon in the top menu bar (accessed by pressing the
       F2  function key) is actually a hold-over from an earlier
      version of the interface.  All tasks under this icon can actually
      be done more quickly and easily using other means.  Loading a
      file should be done using the Pop-up File Manager; writing a
      window to a file can be done with the keystroke <shft> KeyPad +;
      clearing a window can be done with two keystrokes:
      (1) Home, amd (2) <shft> KeyPad -.

          You can call the Pop-up File Manager from the File icon,
      or you can simply press  F4 .

          There should always be an easy way to Quit, and the File
      icon gives you one.  <ctrl><shft> F2  will do this also.

1.4       Almost all display screens in Dmuse (Pop-up or otherwise)
      contain helpful instructions at the bottom (e.g., this screen).
      When in doubt, look there first.

1.5       Once a file is loaded into a window, there is an elementry
      set of commands that you need to know in order to edit the file:

                               The cursor keys     move the
        Moving the cursor      cursor left and right, up and down.

                               Holding the <ctrl> key down while
        Scrolling the screen   pressing the cursor keys  
                                 will scroll text in the window
                               left and right, up and down.

                               The PageUp key will scroll text DOWN by
        Veiwing text above     the number of lines on the screen, thus
                               displaying a view of the text immediately
                               ABOVE what you currently see.

                               The PageDown key will scroll text UP by
        Veiwing text below     the number of lines on the screen, thus
                               displaying a view of the text immediately
                               BELOW what you currently see.

                               The HOME key will move the cursor to the
        Viewing the top        first line in the window.

                               The End key will move the cursor to the
        Viewing the bottom     last line of text in the window.

1.6       The metaphone for the Dmuse screen editor is a blackboard.
      You can put the cursor anywhere you like on this blackboard and
      type.   To add or change text in a window, simply put the cursor
      at the point of the addition/change and type.  The Insert key
      may be used to toggle between insert mode and over-strike mode.
      The Delete key will delete the character immediately above the
      cursor.  You can insert a blank line by typing <alt> Insert
      (hold down <alt> key and press insert).  The blank line will
      appear above the line the cursor is currently on.  You can
      delete the line the cursor is on by typing <alt> Delete.

1.7       This concludes the elementry description of the Dmuse editor.
      With the commands described above, you can successfully edit any
      text in a window.  Any additional features described below in this
      document and in other documents are designed to make the editing
      process easier and more efficient; strickly speaking, they are
      not necessary, only useful.


2.1       The Dmuse editor uses the full display of your X-Window.
      (You may, of course, resize this at your own pleasure.)  The
      display provides a partial view of a larger document space we
      call a window.  A window may contain as many as 98,000 lines
      of text.  The maximum length of a line is 960 characters.
      The editor provides you with 31 windows: 30 windows for working
      (numbered 0 to 29) and one HELP WINDOW.  You may view only one
      window at a time.  The KeyPad numbers are used to select the
      current window for viewing.  The NumLock key must be OFF.

          KeyPad 0  to KeyPad 9    will select window 0 to 9 to be
             the current window.

          <ctrl> KeyPad 0  to <ctrl> KeyPad 9    will select window
             10 to 19 to be the current window.

          <alt> KeyPad 0  to <alt> KeyPad 9    will select window
             20 to 29 to be the current window.

          Keypad .  will make the previous window the current window.
             This command is used to toggle between two windows.

          <shft> F1    will toggle between the current window the the
             HELP WINDOW.  The HELP WINDOW can only be loaded by the
             Dmuse Help utility (press  F2 , press "h", and select
             a help topic).

2.2       Each window is like a blackboard.  You can write to the
      window simply by putting the cursor where you want, and begin
      typing.  The text in a window may be scrolled up or down using
      the <ctrl> ▲ or <ctrl> ▼ commands.  The text may be scrolled
      left or right using the <ctrl> ◄ and <ctrl> ► commands.  The
      two numbers in the top red bar (on the right) tell you which
      line the cursor is on and the column the cursor is in.

2.3       Below are discribed eight elementry operations which are
      common to all interface editing.

 LOAD   1. Load a file to the current window.

            If you want to clear a window and load a new file in it,
         you must first move the cursor to the top of the window by
         by pressing the Home key.  If the cursor is not at the top
         of the window when you load a file, the lines above the cursor
         will not be cleared, and the contents of the window will not
         match the contents of the file.

            There are two ways to load a file into the current window;
         (1) the KeyPad + command, and (2) using the resident file

         KeyPad +  =  load file to current window.  You will be
            asked to enter the name of the file you want to load.

            If the Dmuse editor thinks that the file you want to load
            was not constructed as a text file, it will ask two
            questions:  Do you want to proceed with loading the file?
            And if so, do you want the file displayed in HEX format?
            Normally, you would type "N" to the second question.

        (!) There may come a time when you really want to see a file
            in HEX format.  You can force a file to be displayed in
            HEX format by typing $ <Enter> at the initial prompt for
            a file name.

          F4   will activate the resident file manager (this subject
            is covered fully in a separate help topic).  If you type
            l <Enter>, the contents of the current directory will be
            listed, with numbers opposite each file name.  Find the
            number of the file you want to load and enter this number
            as the next command.  The file manager will load the file
            to the current window.   If the current directory does
            not contain the file you want, you can use file manager
            to change to the right directory.

         ┌───────────────────► Additional Facts ◄────────────────────┐
             After a file is loaded into a window, the name of    
          the file appears in the red title line at the top of    
          the screen.                                             
             The Dmuse editor allows you to load the listing of   
          a directory into the current window.  Simply push the   
          KeyPad + as if you were going to load a file and, at    
          the prompt, enter the name of the directory you want    
          to load.                                                
             You may also load the current window with the        
          contents of another Dmuse window using the KeyPad +     
          command.  At the prompt, type an asterisk "*" followed  
          by the number of the window you want to load.           
             If a window is loaded in HEX format, its contents    
          obviously do not match the source file.  To prevent the 
          window from accidently being copied back to the source  
          file, the Dmuse editor turns on the read-protect flag   
          for this window.  You will see the word Window in the   
          top red bar light up in blue.  Read-protect can be      
          turned off again using the <ctrl> F10 command and       
          selecting the "r" option (toggle read-protect).         

 SAVE   2. Save the contents of the current window (with changes you
         have made) back to the file from which the window was
         originally loaded.  This is sometimes called "updating a

            The procedure for storing the contents of the current
         window back to the file from which it originally came is to
         type <shft> KeyPad + and, when you are prompted for an output
         file name, type "$" <Enter>.

 STORE  3. Store the contents of the current window in a file that you

            The command for storing the contents of the current window
         in a file is <shft> KeyPad +.  You will be prompted for the
         output file name.  Any valid path name will be accepted.

            If the file you specify already exists, you will be asked
         if you want to over-write what is currently in that file.
         When storing a window into a file, the entire contents of the
         window is stored irrespective of the position of the cursor.

         ┌───────────────────► Additional Facts ◄────────────────────┐
             When storing a file, you may specify a file name     
          that does not currently exist (i.e., a new file name).  
          The file name may include a sub-directory, provide that 
          the sub-directory already exists.  In other words, the  
          store command can create a new file name but not a new  
          sub-directory.  If the name is a new, Dmuse will inform 
          you of this                                             
             When a file is loaded into a window, Dmuse checks    
          the end-of-line convention to see if the file follows   
          the Microsoft convention, CR + LF (two bytes), or the   
          UNIX convention, LF (one byte).  The Exempt-CR flag     
          is set (in the top Red bar) if the file follows the     
          UNIX convention.  When storing a window to a file,      
          the state of the window's Exempt-CR flag will determine 
          which convention is used.  If the flag is set, all      
          lines will be terminated with a single LF byte;         
          otherwise the termination will be with two bytes,       
          CR + LF (values 13 and 10).                             
             The Exempt-CR flag for the current window may be     
          toggled by the user with the <ctrl-shift> KeyPad *      
          keystroke.  (Try this to see the flag displayed.)       

 CLEAR  4. Clear the current window and put the cursor at the top of
         the window.

            This action must be accomplished in two steps.  The Dmuse
         "clear window" command is <shft> KeyPad -.  This command will
         clear the window from the point of the cursor to the bottom of
         the window (i.e. from the position of the cursor to the end of
         the current line and all lines below the cursor).  To clear
         the entire window, you first need to press the Home key, which
         will move the move the cursor to line 1, column 1; and then
         press <shft> KeyPad -.

 DRIVE  5. Change the current disk drive.
            Some explanation is required here.  One nice feature of
         the DOS operating system was that the user could access several
         logical disk drives.  Starting with the C drive, it was possible
         to have drives D:, E:, etc., up to a maximum of drive Z:.
         Of course, it was a good idea to leave some drive names open
         so that a Zip drive or a CDrom Drive could be mounted.
         This system allowed the user to put different kinds of data
         on different drives, with each drive having its own current
         working directory.  This design made it easy to jump back
         and forth between different data sets on different drives.

            The Linux operating system, by contrast has only one
         file system.  Every directory and file hangs onto the tree
         somewhere.  The root of the tree is /.  There is only one
         current working directory.  Switching between data sets
         on different branches of the tree can be confusing and
         time consuming.

            Dmuse has a solution to this problem.  In the INIT file
         for Dmuse there is a list of virtual disk drives, each of
         which represents some node on the file system tree, and
         each of which is capable of having its own current working
         directory, just like in DOS.  The user has the option of
         configuring (assigning) these disk names anywhere he/she
         chooses.  (The command "qq" in the Pop-up File Manager
         will show these assignments for your computer.)

            You may change the current working drive using the
         Pop-up File manager.  (What you are really doing in Linux
         is changing the one-and-only current working directory.)
         This makes it much easier to jump around in the Limux
         file system.  To access the Pop-up File Manager, press
         the  F4  key.

 RENAME 6. Rename a file in the current directory.

            The resident file manager ( F4 ) has a command for this.

 ERASE  7. Erase a file from the disk.
            The resident file manager ( F4 ) has a command for this.

 QUIT   8. Exit the Dmuse program.

            The command for exiting Dmuse is <ctrl-shft> F2.

2.4       The Dmuse editor uses most of the IBM PC compatable
      characters.  Some of the math charcters have been redefined in
      order to complete the set of vowels with diacritical marks
      (accents, etc.) and to represent other European letters.  For
      example, there is no way to get an Ê or an Ø with the IBM set.
      Also a few of the dingbats (charcters between 1 and 31) have
      been redefined.  The Dmuse printer driver has been written to
      accommodate most of these re-definitions, so your hardcopy
      printout will usually match what you see on the screen.

2.5       There are two ways to learn about the keystrokes and the
      actions they perform.  (1) The Editor quick reference help
      subject contains a complete desciption of the keystrokes,
      organized by functionality.  (2) The Keystrokes help subject
      lets you discover the action of each keystroke by actually
      typing the keys themselves.  The <esc> key returns you to the
      editor. You can also activate this utility by pressing <ctrl> F1.
      Try this now, just for fun!


3.1       The Dmuse editor allows you to select material (text) from
      a window for certain kinds of actions such as insert, delete,
      cut, paste, etc.  You can use these techniques to move material
      from one point in a window to another, or from one window to
      another.  To take advantage of these features, you need to know
      (1) how to select material, and (2) what can be done, once
      material has been selected.

3.2       There are three techniques for selecting material: (1) the
      box highlight, (2) the line highlight, and (3) the stream
      highlight.  The box and line highlights work only when wordwrap
      is off; the stream highlight works only when wordwrap is on.
      The stream highlight will not be discussed in this document.

      Keystrokes which produce a highlight

          If there is no highlight present, there are three strokes
          which can initiate a highlight.

            <shft> ◄  =  start a box highlight (white) by moving the
                           cursor to the left

            <shft> ►  =  start a box highlight (white) by moving the
                           cursor to the right.

            <shft> ▼  =  start a line highlight (purple) by moving the
                           cursor down.

          Once a box highlight has been intiated, the following strokes
            will change its size.

            <shft> ▲ <shft> ▼   =  move the highlight cursor up or down
                                     one line.

            <shft> ◄ <shft> ►   =  move the highlight cursor left or right
                                     one column.

          Once a line highlight has been intiated, the following strokes
            will change its size.

            <shft> ▲ <shft> ▼   =  move the highlight cursor up or down
                                     one line.

            <shft> PageUp     =  move the highlight cursor up 24 lines.

            <shft> PageDown   =  move the highlight cursor down 24 lines.

3.3       If material (text) is highlighted with a box highlight, there
       are several things you can do with it.

          1. To move highlighted material on the screen, hold down
             the ctrl and shft keys and use the cursor arrow keys to
             move the highlighted material around.  Once this process
             has been started, typing any other key will deposit the
             highlighted material in its present (new) location.  You
             need to be aware that the deposited material will write
             over anything which is "under" it at the time of deposit.

          2.  Delete   =  remove the highlighted material from the
             window.  Material to the right of the deleted space will
             move over (left) to fill that space.

          3. <ctrl> Delete   =  perform the delete operation described
             above and also place the deleted material in the "box buffer"
             (for possible future "pasting" in some other location)

          4. If you have highlighted a column of numbers, you can type
             the letter t to get a total.  If you have highlighted two,
             side-by-side columns of numbers, you can type the letter a
             (a for add) to get a third column, which is the sum of the
             elements of columns 1 and 2.  If you type the letter s (s
             for subtract), you will get a third column, which is the
             difference of the elements of columns 1 and 2.  If your
             highlight box extends far enough to the right of column 2
             to leave sufficient room for column 3 (the result column),
             the numbers in column 3 will be right justified.  If your
             highlighted numbers contain commas, the answers will have
             commas (where appropriate).  If your highlighted numbers
             have money signs ($, £, ¥, DM), the answers will have
             money signs.  If you mix your money signs, the arithmetic
             operation will not take place.

          5. You may change the character attributes (color combinations)
             for the characters in a highlighted box by pressing various
             compinations of <ctrl> and <shft> with the functions keys
              F5 ,  F6 ,  F7 , and  F8 .

                                 F5  =  White on Black
                                 F6  =  Black on Red
                                 F7  =  Red on Black
                                 F8  =  Black on Brick

                          <ctrl> F5  =  Green on Black
                          <ctrl> F6  =  Black on Green
                          <ctrl> F7  =  White on Forest Green
                          <ctrl> F8  =  Black on Purple

                          <shft> F5  =  White on Tan
                          <shft> F6  =  Black on Orange
                          <shft> F7  =  Black on Goldenrod
                          <shft> F8  =  Black on Pink

                     <ctrl-shft> F5  =  White on Blue
                     <ctrl-shft> F6  =  Black on Turquise
                     <ctrl-shft> F7  =  White on Purple
                     <ctrl-shft> F8  =  White on Sea Green

             (The colors shown are defaults; they can be changed by
             the user.  See INIT file under Advanced Topics)

          6. The box highlight can be used to draw line patterns.
             The line drawing characters are directly accessable from
             the keyboard, but using them directly to draw anything but
             the most simple patterns can be tedious and time consuming.
             It turns out that most of the patterns people want to make
             with the line drawing characters can be built up from a
             series of boxes and/or lines.  You can draw a box pattern
             by highlighting the box shape you want and typing either a
             minus sign (-) for a single line box or an equal sign (=)
             for a double line box.  The pattern below was made by
             highlighting the box shape on the left and typing "-", and
             then highlighting the shape on the right and typing "=".
             Typing a tilda "~" after highlighting a box will erase
             any line drawing characters around the edge of the box.

                    │                  │
                    │             ╔════╪═══════════════╗
                    │             ║    │               ║
                    │             ║    │               ║
                    └─────────────╫────┘               ║
                                  ║                    ║

          7. <ctrl> Insert  will load the material in the box highlight
             into the box buffer.  Material formerly in the box buffer
             will be over written.  The contents of the window will
             remain unchanged.

3.4       If lines of text are highlighted with a line highlight, there
       are two things you can do with the lines.

          1.  Delete   will delete the highlighted lines from the window
             and add these lines to the "line buffer" (also called the
             line refuse heap).

          2.  Insert  will copy the hightlighted lines from the window
             to the line buffer.  The contents of the window will stay
             unchanged.  Lines put into the line buffer as a group can
             be taken out of the buffer as a group, provided no new
             lines are added in the interum.  The line buffer is a
             push-down stack of nearly infinite size.


4.1       The Dmuse editor maintains three separate data buffers to
      aid in the storage and transfer of text within a window and
      between windows: the box buffer, the line buffer, and the
      stream buffer.  The box buffer is operational only when wordwrap
      is off; the stream buffer is operational only when wordwrap is
      on.  The line buffer is operational all of the time.

4.2      The box buffer stores text data in a rectangular format, i.e.,
      the data in the buffer represents a rectangular area with a
      specified number of rows and columns.  The buffer can hold only
      one data pattern at a time, so whenever you put something into
      the buffer, whatever was there before is lost.

4.3       To put something in the box buffer, you must first highlight
      it with a box highlight.  Once material is highlighted, there are
      two commands which will load this material into the box buffer.

      <ctrl> Insert    =  copy material in the box highlight to the
                            box buffer.  Contents of the window remains

      <ctrl> Delete    =  copy material in the box highlight to the
                            box buffer.  Delete the highlighted
                            material from the window.  Data to the
                            right of the highlight shifts left to
                            fill the empty space.

4.4       The contents of the box buffer may be copied to any window
      any number of times.  The command to copy the box buffer is
      <shft> Insert .  The top left-hand corner of the material in
      the box buffer will be copied to the window at the point of
      the cursor.  If insert mode is on, material already at that
      point in the window will move to the right to make space for
      the buffered material; if insert mode is off, the contents of
      the box buffer will overwrite what was in the window at that

4.5       The line buffer differs from the box buffer in two fundamental
      ways.  Whereas the box buffer can hold only one pattern at a time,
      the line buffer can hold virtually an unlimited number of lines.
      In fact, the line buffer is actually a line refuse heap; all lines
      deleted with various forms of the  Delete  key end up stored in
      the line buffer.  Secondly, whereas the contents of the box buffer
      cannot be removed, but only overwritten, all of the lines can be
      taken out of the line buffer.

4.6       Any lines deleted with a line delete command are automatically
      put in the line buffer.  Lines can be deleted in two ways:

         <alt> Delete  will delete the line the cursor is on.

         If you push the  Delete  key after highlighting a group of
           lines with the line highlight (purple).  The group of lines
           will be deleted.

4.7       Lines may be inserted into the line buffer without being
      deleted from the window.

         <shft-alt> Delete  adds the line the cursor is on to the
           line buffer without deleting the line from the window.

         <shft-alt> ▼  does the same thing, but also scrolls the
           screen.  This feature allows you to scroll through large
           sections of a window, adding lines to the line buffer as
           you go.

         If you push the  Insert  key after highlighting a group of
           lines with the line highlight (purple).  The group of lines
           will be added to the line buffer.

4.8       The line buffer is a last-in, first-out buffer.  When you
      retrieve lines from the buffer, the last line you put in will
      come out first.  The command that retrieves lines from the
      buffer is <shft-alt> Insert.  This command normally retrieves
      a single line at a time; however, in the case where the last
      line put in the buffer was part of a group, the command will
      retrieve the entire group.  Repeating the command thereafter
      will retrieve one line at a time.

4.9       Lines can be retrieved to any line location in any window.
      Simply put the cursor on the line where you want lines inserted
      and press <shft-alt> Insert.

4.10      When you retrieve lines from the line buffer using the
      <shft-alt> Insert command, those lines are taken out of the
      buffer.  If you want to copy lines from the line buffer to the
      screen without taking them out of the buffer, you must use the
      <ctrl-shft> Insert command.  This command normally copies only
      the last line; however, in the case where the last line put in
      the buffer was part of a group, the command will copy the
      entire group.  Repeating the command thereafter will also copy
      the entire group.


5.1       The Dmuse editor maintains right and left margins in every
      window, irrespective of whether wordwrap is on or off.  When
      wordwrap is off, the role played by the margins is minimal.
      The Enter, <ctrl> Enter, Home, and <ctrl> Home commands will
      put the cursor at the left margin.

          Enter  =  move the cursor to left margin and down one line.

          <ctrl> Enter  =  break the line at the cursor; move the right
                           part to next line, starting at left margin

          Home  =  move the cursor to left margin on line one.

          <ctrl> Home  =  move the cursor to left margin on current line.

      With wordwrap off, the right margin is ignored during ordinary
      typing.  The only commands which recognize the right margin
      are the formatting commands: <ctrl> s and <ctrl> p.

          <ctrl> s  =  Reformat the paragraph containing the cursor
                       into a group of sentences, each starting at
                       the left margin and observing the right margin.

          <ctrl> p  =  Reformat the group of sentences containing the
                       cursor into a paragraph within left margin and
                       the right margin.

      The definition of "paragraph" for these commands is a group
      of single spaced lines, all beginning (having a non-blank) at
      the left margin.  The first line of a paragraph may be indented.

5.2       The case where wordwrap is on (Advance Topic) is not
      discussed here.  Suffice to say that with wordwrap on, the
      right margin will force a "soft" carriage return to the left
      margin.  Moving the margins will cause text within the margins
      to be reformatted.  The wordwrap feature is useful for typing
      documents and for reformatting previously typed text.

5.3       At startup, the left margin is set to the left of column 1,
      and the right margin is set at column 76.  You may see where the
      margins and tabs are set by typing the  F10  key (this key
      toggles the display panel).  The margins may be moved using the
      following commands:

          left <shft-alt> ◄  = move left margin to the left (◄──).

          left <shft-alt> ►  = move left margin to the right (──►).

         right <shft-alt> ◄  = move right margin to the left (◄──).

         right <shft-alt> ►  = move right margin to the right (──►).

              <ctrl-shft> ◄  = move both margins to the left (◄──).

              <ctrl-shft> ►  = move both margins to the right (──►).

5.4       Each line in a window has its own setting for the left and
      right margin.  When moving margins with the commands listed
      above, the normal behaviour is for the margins for all lines of
      the current paragraph (the paragraph the cursor is in) to move
      together.  If you want to move the margins for a specific group
      of lines, either within a paragraph or spanning more than one
      paragraph, the procedure is to create a long (thin) box
      highlight spanning the specific group of lines in question, and
      then then move the margin.  You may also use <ctrl> F10 ,
      option "m", to change the default number of paragraphs over
      which the margin moving commands operate.

5.5       If you would like to practice moving margins and using the
      <ctrl> s and <ctrl> p commands, try out the following commands
      on this paragraph.  First, press F10 to turn on the margin and
      tab display.  You will see the location of the right margin as
      a line of diamonds (♦); the left margin is hidden at the left.
      Place the cursor somewhere in this paragraph and use the left
      <shft-alt> ► command to move the left margin up to the left
      edge of the paragraph (the blue arrow at the bottom should
      point to the position of the first column of characters).  Use
      the right <shft-alt> ◄ command to move the right margin over
      about six columns.  Now type <ctrl> s.  The paragraph should
      "decompose" into a group of sentences.  Type <ctrl> p, and the
      paragraph should reassemble.  Press F10 and try the experiment
      again without seeing the margin lines.  Notice, by the way,
      that the number 5.5 at the left of this paragraph is unaffected
      by the reformatting, since it is outside the left margin.  Now
      see if you can use the left <shft-alt> ◄ and the right
      <shft-alt> ► commmands to put the margins back where they

5.6       The Dmuse editor maintains a separate tab configuration for
      each window ( F10  will show margins and tabs).  A tab can be
      set (or removed) by moving the cursor to the desired column and
      typing <ctrl> Tab .   (left)<ctrl-shft> Tab  will clear all tabs.
      Typing the  Tab  key will move the cursor forward to the next
      tab on the line or to column 1 of the next line.   (left)<shft> Tab
      will move the cursor backward to the nearest tab on the line or
      to column 1 of the current line, or to the last tab position on
      the previous line.

5.7       (right)<shft>Tab  works like  Tab , but it puts typing in "backup"
      mode.  You need to try this to fully understand it.  Typed
      characters appear at the position of the cursor and then move
      to the left as more characters are typed.  Typing a <space> or
      a dot (".") will switch the mode to normal again.  The purpose
      of this feature is to make it easy to type columns of numbers
      with decimals or spaces that line up at the column beyond the
      tab.  (right)<ctrl-shft>Tab  works the same way, but tabs
      backwards.   Note: The use of <right> and <left> variants of
      the control and shift keys is necessary in this application
      because the Linux X-Window Manager expropriates the <alt>Tab
      combinations for window stacking.


6.1       If your system has a printer connected to the parallel
      port (LPT1), you may be able to use the PrintScreen key
      to print the contents of a window.  The PrintScreen command
      will produce a hardcopy printout of the entire contents of
      the current window, but several actions must be taken in
      order for this command to work.

      (1) The Printer must be connected to LPT1, must be on, and
      should preferrably be reset, so that settings from any previous
      print applications do not interfere with the current job.

      (2) Before running the Dmuse program, you must make sure that
      you have permission to write to /dev/lp0, the line printer port.
      This may be done by switching to superuser and typing
      chown 666 /dev/lp0 at the command prompt.  Remember to shitch
      back to yourself when done.

6.2       As a default, the Dmuse editor will send the following
      parameters to the printer:

                 top line: 5
          number of lines: 54
           lines per inch: 6 (single space)
              left margin: 80 / 100ths of an inch
         number of copies: 1
              orientation: protrait (8 1/2 wide by 11 inches long)
                     font: Courier
                     size: 12 point

      You may alter these parameters by pressing  F9  and choosing
      the "p" option.  Follow the instructions to change the various


7.1       Dmuse provides a method of saving the state of the editor.
      Saving the state includes saving the contents of every window
      and the settings of most the windows' parameters.  Some of the
      reasons you might want to save the state of the Dmuse editor
      are the following:

      (1) to allow the program to be terminated and later be restarted,
          without having to go to the trouble of loading every window

      (2) to temporarily save the state of things in anticipation
          of a power failure (a not uncommon occurance for laptops
          running on batteries).

      (3) to setup a template for certain kinds of work, e.g., writing
          letters or reports.

      Important Note: saving the contents of the windows as part of
      the state of the editor is not the same as saving each of the
      windows in its respective (source) file.  A "save state" file
      is a binary (non-text) file which can be interpreted by Dmuse
      only at startup time.  It is a good practice to save all
      important windows first in their respective (source) files
      before saving the state of the editor.

7.2       The following commands will save the state of Dmuse, either
      in a default file or in a file which you specify.

      ┌──────────► Commands for saving the state of Dmuse ◄──────────┐
                                        Save the current state    
              Save the current state    of Dmuse in a file which  
              of Dmuse in a default     you specify. To return    
              file. To return to this   to this state, type       
              state, type "dmuse $"       "dmuse <file name>"     
              at the Linux prompt.      at the linux prompt.      
       EXIT  │                                
       Dmuse │       <shft> F2    <ctrl> F2   
       Do not│                                
       EXIT  │       <shft> F12   <ctrl> F12  
       Dmuse │                                

          To simply exit Dmuse, type <Ctrl><shft>F2


8.1       The Dmuse editor provides several ways for you to make
      large leaps in a window.  Two most obvious are Home (goto the
      first line in the window) and End (goto the last line in the

8.2       If you want to leap by searching for something, there are
      three commands.

          KeyPad /  =  Enter search string and look forward in the
                       current window for the next occurance of that
                       string.  If an occurance is found, put the
                       cursor at that location in the window.

           F11      =  Search forward in the current window for the
                       next occurance of the search string.  If an
                       occurance is found, put the cursor at that
                       location in the window.

           F12      =  Search backward in the current window for a
                       previous occurance of the search string.  If
                       an occurance is found, put the cursor at that
                       location in the window.

          If you want to search for something that you search for
      earlier, type KeyPad / and then  .  You wil be given a choice
      of up to nine previous search strings.

8.3       The command  F3  allows you to leap to a specific line number
      in the current window.


9.1        Summary of the keypad keystrokes (with NumLock OFF)

      I. The numbers, 0, 1, ... 9

           Unmodified: Change to Window number <number>

               <ctrl>: Change to Window number <number + 10>
                         (10, 11, ... 19)

               <shft>: Change to Window number <number + 20>
                         (20, 21, ... 29)

     II. KeyPad .

           Change to the window previous to the current window.
           (This command will work as a toggle between two windows.)

    III. KeyPad /

           Enter string into search buffer and then look for a match
           (search) for this string in the current window, starting
           at the position of the cursor and looking forward.

     IV. KeyPad *

           Unmodified: Toggle Wordwrap mode for this window
                         (advanced topic)

               <shft>: Toggle Connection to Ibex for this window
                         (advanced topic)

          <ctrl-shft>: Toggle Exempt-CR flag

                       Explanation:  Microsoft Windows and Linux have
                       slightly different conventions for representing
                       the end of a text line in an ASCII "flat file."
                       Microsoft uses the character combination carriage-
                       return + line-feed (byte values 13 and 10); Linux
                       and UNIX use only the line-feed byte (byte value 10).
                       The user can expect to encounter both formats.
                       Since Microsoft formatted files probably outnumber
                       Linux formatted files, and since all Musedata amd
                       Score files use the Microsoftformat, this is the
                       default.  However, it is possible for Dmuse to make
                       an educated guess about the format for each file
                       loaded into a window.  If Dmuse thinks it is loading
                       a file in the Linux format, the "exempt CR" flag
                       is set in the top Red bar of the window.   It looks
                       like this in the bar:

                                      connect mode ─┐
                                       exempt CR ─┐ │
                                                  ↓ ↓
                                                 +[*] 1446.065
                                                 ↑     ↑    ↑
                                    insert mode ─┘     │    └─ row number
                                                       └─ line number

                       If the exempt CR flag is set and the contents
                       of the window are stored in a file, Dmuse will
                       leave off the CR at the end of each line and
                       use only the single byte (10) to denote the
                       end-of-line.   <ctrl-shft> KeyPad * allows the
                       user to toggle this flag and therefore to
                       control the format of files stored from windows.

      V. KeyPad -

          Unmodified: Clear line.  From the position of the cursor,
                      clear all text to the right (to end of line).

              <shft>: Clear screen.  From the position of the cursor,
                      clear all text to the right (to and of line)
                      and below (all lines below) the cursor.  To
                      clear the entire screen, use the HOME key to
                      position the cursor at the top of the screen
                      and then press <shft> KeyPad -.

     VI. KeyPad +

          Unmodified: Load a file into the current window.  You will
                      be prompted for the file name.  If you respond
                      with a $ <Enter>, the file you request will be
                      loaded in HEX representation.  The file will be
                      loaded into the window starting at the current
                      line (the line the cursor is on).

                      You may load the current window from another
                      window using this command.  When you are
                      prompted for the file name, simply type *#,
                      where # is the number of the window you wish
                      to load from.  # should be in the range 0 to 29.

                      If the file being loaded is in the Linux format
                      (single N/L terminator for lines), the Linux
                      format flag at the top of the window will be
                      turned on (see <ctrl-shft>KeyPad * above).
                      Any Tab characters encountered in a line
                      will be moved right to one position before the
                      next tab distance, and spaces will be inserted
                      in the line.

              <shft>: Store the entire contents of the current window
                      in a file.   You will be prompted for the output
                      file name.  If you respond with a $ <Enter>, the
                      output file will be the same as the file from
                      which the window was last loaded.  This name
                      appears in the red strip at the top of the

                      If the Linux format flag at the top of the window
                      is on when the file is being stored, file records
                      will be terminated with the single N/L character
                      rather than the dual CR N/L terminator.  Any space
                      characters (represent either by ascii 32 or
                      ascii 250, the centered ·) preceding a Tab
                      character in a line will be removed (up to a
                      limit of one less than the tab distance).

              <ctrl>: Load a file into the current window.   This works
                      just like the Unmodified KeyPad + command, except
                      that if the file is in Linux format (lines are
                      terminated with single N/L character), any spaces
                      added to a line as a result of tab characters will
                      be represented by the ascii 250 (the centered ·)
                      character (accessable as <shft><alt> ]), NOT by
                      ascii 32 (the space character).  The Linux format
                      flag will still be turned on.

        <ctrl><shft>: Store the entire contents of the current window
                      in a file.  This works just like the <shft> KeyPad +
                      command, except that when storing a file in the
                      Linux format, only space characters represented
                      by ascii 250 (the centered ·) preceding a Tab
                      character are removed.  Ascii 32 space characters
                      are not removed.

    VII. KeyPad Enter (with various combinations of <ctrl>, <shft> and

          These commands will cause Dmuse to look up the word above
          the cursor in one of eight possible dictionaries.  This
          advanced feature is de-activated at the time of the initial
          installation of Dmuse.  You may read about dictionaries
          in the Advance Topics section of the Help menu.  The present
          version of Dmuse does not include dictionaries, but you
          may construct your own.


10.1      For further help in using the editor, try consulting the
      Editor quick reference subject heading under the Help menu.

10.2      To learn more about what each keystroke does, try running
      the Keystrokes utility under the Help menu.  A short cut to
      this utility is provided by the <alt> F1 command.
